Things You Must Know Before Your NEMT Business Startup


NEMT businesses refer to non-emergency medical transportation businesses. The industry has seen a rise in the NEMT businesses, especially since the pandemic.

NEMT businesses are indeed profitable; however, NEMT business startups can be complicated as the process of establishing a NEMT business, is different in every state. It might take a long time to gather all the necessary information to start your NEMT business from the state health agencies and the rival firms in the NEMT industry are likely to hesitate to share the vital information with you. In such a situation, where can you receive the guidance for your NEMT business startup, from?

Well, we can help you out.

To begin with an introduction, a NEMT business offers transportation services to their clients who need to appear for their medical appointments. NEMT services are a must for patients like those who require regular dialysis. 

Step-step guide to establishing a NEMT business 

The process of NEMT business setup might vary from one state to another. However, there are some basic steps that need to be followed everywhere to establish a NEMT business.

We have listed down below those common steps:

  • Get your NEMT business registered

Getting your NEMT business registered is the very first and important step in the entire process of establishment. Registration will declare your business as a legal entity and safe to operate with.

Your business can be set up under the classification of DBA or LLC. You must remember that not registering your business can be an illegal activity. 

  • Get NPI (National Provider Identifier)

NPI is necessary for any business that offers Medicare or Medicaid services. NPI assists in identifying your business as a legal healthcare-providing business. 

  • Application for becoming a Medicaid provider

The website of your state where you can apply to get your business registered is likely to enable you to apply for becoming a Medicaid provider as well.

Different states are likely to have different document requirements for the application. While some states might ask for a whole list of documents, others might only ask for a legal entity and the feel for the application. 

  • Get your business insured

Getting insurance to cover general liabilities is very crucial for the business. Depending on your state, your NEMT business might also require getting insurance for the worker’s compensation.

The vehicles you use in the business also need to be insured. The insurance policy and premiums for vehicles might vary on the basis of the model, mileage plan, driving record, and other such factors. However, insurance is a must for employed vehicles to cover any loss. 

  • Get your vehicles licensed

Vehicles employed in medical transportation services might require special licensing in some of the states. If not that, then a general vehicle’s license is also a must to operate your business without any legal conflicts.

You can also reach out to a good consultancy service for better and successful guidance to establish your NEMT business.


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